Jugend debattiert
2. Schulwettbewerb 2022! Liebe Andino-Gemeinschaft, die Initiative Jugend debattiert ist ein Programm aus Deutschland, das den Schülerinnen und Schülern beibringen soll, durch ihre Argumente andere Debattanten, Juroren und nicht zuletzt das Publikum durch Sachkenntnis, Überzeugungskraft, Ausdrucksvermögen und Gesprächsfähigkeit von ihrer bzw. seiner Position zu überzeugen. Nachdem in den letzten Wochen die Klassen 7 bis 11 […]
Audiciones Musical 100 años
Audiciones Musical 100 años Estimados alumnos, colegas y colaboradores: Queremos recordarles que estamos preparando un musical como parte de la celebración de los 100 años de nuestro Colegio. Las presentaciones están previstas para junio de 2022 y ¡Estamos buscando talentos para el musical! Todos los profesores, colaboradores y alumnos que deseen aportar con su talento […]
Virtual learning experience in Sports
Virtual learning experience in Sports Deissy Gamba Physical Education teacher The experience as teachers in this new modality due to pandemic, has challenged us to modify, adapt, and adjust all our teaching methodologies in a digital framework. Even if working with technology was not new to us, in this opportunity the whole environment had to […]
The contextualized class as an evaluation methodology in physical education.
The contextualized class as an evaluation methodology in physical education. Andrés GiraldoPhysical Education teacher “Learning in a happy or fun context can also be strict and demanding”. Throughout my experience as a physical education teacher, I have always thought about how to evaluate the learning process of my students in the best way. I am […]
Teams and OneNote as tools to bring students closer during virtuality
Teams and OneNote as tools to bring students closer during virtuality Catalina AndradePrimary teacher Virtuality was very challenging for teachers. Little by little we were able to master the tool that would enable us to get closer to our students, to get to know them and their homes. Teams helped us learn, and as a […]
Implementation of different tools, programs, and Microsoft applications for the development of differentiated and inclusive virtual learning environments
Implementation of different tools, programs, and Microsoft applications for the development of differentiated and inclusive virtual learning environments Diana GonzalezPrimary teacher My nomination for MIE EXPERT is based on a summary of strategies that I implemented in the classroom during virtuality and alternation in the second semester of the school year 2021-21. I first described […]
Virtual class dynamics for preschool in Colegio Andino in Bogotá
Virtual class dynamics for preschool in Colegio Andino in Bogotáá Ginna Paola Gómez Kindergarten teacher My experience with Microsoft started in pandemic as a response to the need of facilitating a continuous learning to my students using tools that not only helped them acquire new knowledge, but that were interactive so they would always be […]
Sports at another level. A hybrid experience
Sports at another levelA hybrid experience Hellman Barragán Physical Education teacher Students developed an instrument in hybrid classes to present their knowledge in specific topics. I adapted this instrument to several topics and activities in my class. The activity had the following characteristics: Adequate hydration Ball or volleyball Perform each level Each exercise lasts 1 […]
Encouraging reading with the Office 365 tools
Encouraging reading with the Office 365 tools Jaime CastroInformation technology teacher The project presented to Microsoft sought to encourage reading with tools of Office 365 and was developed by students of sixth grade during Spanish and information technology classes. The topics from the school curriculum of both subjects were used to plan this activity. To […]
Educational evaluation of the PED9 curriculum in a collaborative way using Microsoft technologies
Educational evaluation of the PED9 curriculum in a collaborative way using Microsoft technologies Javier Hernandez Information technology teacher From the beginning of the Digital Project in school’s high school, I have always wanted my students to develop collaborative work supported by technology. At first, I used Microsoft Word and PowerPoint online applications next to the […]
My Microsoft experience in Colegio Andino Deutsche Schule Bogota.
My Microsoft experience in Colegio Andino Deutsche Schule Bogota Jenny Paola Bernal Physical Education Teacher Microsoft Teams helps the learning processes from all points of view, offering students all the necessary resources to develop new, real, and significant skills that are structured within a teaching- learning process. Below, you will find the steps of how […]
Basic motor skills: visuomotor coordination in virtuality supported with technological tools
Basic motor skills: visuomotor coordination in virtuality supported with technological tools Johan Barragán Giraldo Physical Education Teacher In this grade I undertook a project named “Applying action motor circuits at home”. This project consists of creating several exercises in one activity to captivate the students’ attention, because due to their age, they need a variety […]