An institution created by the Colombian-German Association of Social Work initiative, constituted by a group of Colombian-German people interested in providing quality education to children and young people with limited resources.
The SCALAS Educational Center is one of the most important works of the school’s social responsibility.
1. This institution welcomes children and young people in conditions of high vulnerability and currently has 784 students.
2. Since 2009, it has belonged to the PASCH Schulpartner der Zukunft - “Partner Schools for the Future” program, which creates a worldwide network to offer German language and culture education.
3. To date, 38 students have traveled to Germany invited by PASCH to strengthen their German language skills.
German teachers have also been invited to strengthen their German language skills and attend seminars.
4. German language learning is the flagship and added value of SCALAS.
5. For their achievements, two SCALAS students won a full scholarship to study at the Universidad de Los Andes. One student won a scholarship to experience a team of NASA researchers.