School Support Department
the School Support
Our team
School Support comprises an interdisciplinary team of 21 people from the following areas: psychology, teaching, social work, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and special education.
From Andinitos to 12, all school grades have their respective work team accompanying students, teachers, and parents in different processes and activities.
To meet the different members of our team and the sections they support, click here.
Prevention program “I take care of myself and take care of you.”
The School Support Department works towards prevention under the slogan “I take care of myself and take care of you.” It promotes and accompanies different initiatives and areas of attention.
Activities Gallery
School for Parents - Conferences
Nombre charla | Fecha | Sección | Conferencistas | Link |
Cuerpo y autocuidado, ¿qué piensa y siente mi hijo de sí mismo | Enero. 18 | Bachillerato | Dr. Carlos Gómez | Ingresar a reunión |
Nombre charla | Fecha | Sección | Conferencistas | Link |
Vinculo y la función del cuidador | Dic. 13 | Andinitos y Kínder | Camila Reyes | Ingrese a la charla |
¿Cómo ser aliado y no enemigo de mis hijos? Cultivando relaciones sanas | Dic. 09 | Primaria | Leonardo Garcia | Ingrese a la charla |
Nombre charla | Fecha | Sección | Conferencistas | Link |
¡¡Infórmese!! el cigarrillo electrónico y sus implicaciones | Nov. 23 | Intermedia | BLanca Llorente | Ver grabación |
Nombre charla | Fecha | Sección | Conferencistas | Link |
Como establecer una sana relación con la tecnología en la infancia | Oct. 07 | Kínder y Primaria | Santiago Gutierrez | Ver grabación |
Niñez-Pandemia-Adolescencia: ¿Cómo darle sentido a lo nuevo? | Oct 19 | Intermedia | María José Indaburu | Ver grabación |
Adolescencia, pandemia y salud mental: ¿Cómo construir desde el caos? | Oct 26 Martes | Bachillerato | María José Indaburu | Ver grabación |
Through different lines of work, like parent talks by sections, gatherings of Tejiendo Palabras (weaving words), and links with RedPapaz, we seek to create spaces for collective construction where we can share experiences, resolve concerns or propose solutions to different problems of interest. We aim to find ways to better as a community through interaction, participation, and linkage building.
Why a school for parents at Colegio Andino?
Because we seek, above all, our own development to better contribute to the development of our children
Because we constantly question ourselves and sometimes feel insecure about what we do with our children.
Because we don’t always know a lot about the reality that our children and youth live.
Because we seek spaces for the reconstruction of our social fabric.
RedPaPaz is a network of mothers, fathers, and caregivers, which seeks to generate capacities for adequate protection of the rights of children and youth in Colombia. It works on five transversal axes: Parental Involvement, Family-School Alliance, Protective Environments, Child Development, and Rights of children and youth.
The Colegio Andino is a member of this vital network
Mediator Program
School mediation is an exercise in respect, dialogue, and joint decision-making. It is a technique to resolve conflicts between two or more people. A mediator guides and accompanies those involved in the search for solutions, easing communication and helping them negotiate.
Who are the Mediators?
The Mediator program has students from the Intermediate and High School Section. They have been trained in conflict resolution and have the necessary tools to support daily conflicts arising within the school.
mediation to work
Principles for mediation to work
Voluntariness: The parties freely decide whether or not to participate in mediation.
Decisions in dialogue: The parties can make decisions concerning their conflict. The mediator does not impose any type of solution; they are neither a judge nor an arbitrator.
Neutrality and impartiality: The mediator does not favor any of the parties.
Confidentiality: What is said in mediation is private.
Phases of Mediation
- Establish rules of encounter (climate of trust, respect, listening to the other, honesty).
- Listen to each of the versions.
- Identify the common interests of both parties.
- Create options from the conflict, alternative solutions, promote empathy and cooperation.
- Reach agreements and compromises where both parties gain.
- Closing
- Cierre.
Contact Information
Estamos dispuestos a apoyarlos y brindarles la orientación necesaria en diversos temas. El bienestar de nuestra comunidad es nuestra prioridad, ¡cuenten con nosotros para lo que necesiten!
Sandra Romero
Directora del Departamento de Apoyo Escolar
Horario de atención:
Lunes a viernes: 7:20 a.m. – 4:40 pm.