Home » My Microsoft experience in Colegio Andino Deutsche Schule Bogota.
Microsoft Teams helps the learning processes from all points of view, offering students all the necessary resources to develop new, real, and significant skills that are structured within a teaching- learning process.
Below, you will find the steps of how classes developed.
Through virtual classes we were able to generate teaching- learning processes to develop the basic sports abilities in children from first grade.
The interactions created with all the tools that Microsoft offers to enrich the synchronic, asynchronous and hybrid classes decrease the methodological rigidity and increase the significant experiences in the digital environment that turn the student into the class’ engine, enabling him/her to have constant and significant access to the classroom.
The children in our institution interact daily integrating all the functions that Microsoft offers and that directly involve the technological skills needed for the 21st century. All the technology they have currently available helps them solve immediately a great number of problems and needs that increase their knowledge in different areas of motor, cognitive and emotional development, achieving the proposed learning goals.
There is no doubt that students benefit in many ways when they have direct contact with the use of all the available tools, creating whole persons for the competences that the current society demands and that we face daily by actively using virtual education.
The tools provided by Microsoft were integrated during the development of the virtual sports classes by using the infinite opportunities to share information through interactive images and videos that the children could use as a guide to develop the activities, besides several recreational activities where they could interact by using emojis and follow dynamic instructions.